
Nurses are innovators.

Our Flagship RN-to-BSN program is designed for working professionals. You can take your classes, day or night, and at your pace. Our faculty are drawn from academia, clinical, and healthcare leadership across the country.

You take what you learn in the classroom, and apply it directly to your clinical practice.

Patients need innovators.

Improved patient outcomes, lower death rates, decreases in healthcare costs...any one of these is an excellent reason to provide education and training to nurses to advance their skills and knowledge. Combine that with the opportunity for increased earnings and career advancement for these critical healthcare workers and it is hard to find any drawbacks.


The only drawbacks have been for the RNs themselves: taking on the cost of education and trying to find time to attend school when working days, overnights, and everything in between.


That is where the Florence Institute for Nursing Excellence (FINE) comes in. Our team knows the nursing industry because our team is made up of nurses and the healthcare professionals who support them. Our goal is to provide cost-effective, flexible training through high-quality distance education. Our vision is different. No logging in for hours at a time to listen to lectures. Instead, our students work through bite-size chunks of engaging content that is contextualized in day-to-day activities. Useful information delivered in a usable format. That is FINE’s promise to students.


FINE also promises to provide education that is as diverse as the patients that nurses serve. For too long, training has been based on one type of patient. Today, more than ever, it is obvious that the lack of diversity in education leads to poorer outcomes for minorities. The quality of care should not be related to the color of one’s skin and FINE is committed to being a leader in this change.


We are excited to welcome you as a student. We are excited that you want to join us in the healthcare revolution. And finally, we hope you take pride in your decision to turn your RN into a BSN. While it is not an easy path, the faculty and staff at FINE are here to support you every step of the way.